Happy Skoolie Building and Holidays from Destination Unknown

Happy Holidays Reader!,

This will be my last email until after the New Year, and I wanted to wish y'all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

Blog News: This year, I completed writing on the following categories over on the blog: Skoolie Plumbing and Skoolie Paint. In 2024, I will build out a directory for getting skoolie insurance in all 50 states (not just in Florida) and our electrical and travel resources sections.

Our email list and little community here on the internet is growing, and I appreciate you all taking the time to join. I would love to start making more videos on our YouTube channel again, but time is short, unfortunately. I have so much footage from our bus conversion, and I don't want it to go to waste.

Reader feedback: I would love to hear about where you're struggling on your bus conversion, and perhaps creating a resource to help in some way. Simply reply to this email with your comments.

My most popular blog posts according to analytics are:

There may not always be a "perfect" way to convert a school bus into an RV, but we figure it out and we learn from it. This comment can be extrapolated to life experiences too! :)



Short-term Rental Start-Up Spreadsheet

Get the spreadsheet that tells you what inventory you need in order to furnish your short-term rental fast.
The guide... Read more

Thanks for following our journey! - Ingrid & the HildeFam